An overview of the course taught at SSA. All courses meet the requirements of state’s hours required.

•Advertising, Chat AI, and Social Media Marketing

•Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Rugs, Glassware, Jewelry

•Auction Contracts

•Auction Houses, Dealer Auctions

•Auction Laws, Rules and Regulations

•Auction Settlements

•Auction Setup

•Automobile Auctions, Titles

•Banking, Accounting, Cost of Doing Business

•Bankruptcy Auctions, Types of BK’s

•Bid Calling / Voice Control and Bid Assistant

•Cattle and Livestock Auctions

•Computer Clerking

•Computer Technology / Office Equipment

•Designing for Advertising

•Estates at Auction

•Ethics and the Auctioneer

•Farm Machinery, Heavy Equipment

•Firearms at Auction and Estate Sales

•Hygiene and Personal Appearance

•Liquidations and Uniform Commercial Code

•Math, Clerking and Cashiering, Closing


•Online vs Live Auctions


•Real Estate at Auction

•Shop, Tools, and Industrial Machinery

•Study of Art – Originals and Printmaking,


Bid Calling is one of the oldest forms of selling an item to the general public for the highest offer. Even though auctions today have begun using the internet for auctioning items, there is still the importance of learning this lifelong skill. Most states see bid calling as a very important part of being an auctioneer and require it as one of the courses in auction schools.

David J Meares - SSA Bid Calling Instructor - Contract Auctioneer

Many students come to SSA with calling bids not of great importance to them, but most graduate with a new appreciation of the art of bid calling and come to realize how they can use it in their community.

The video on the left is SSA’s Bid Calling Instructor, David Meares… In this particular auction, he is auctioning heavy equipment. You will realize in the school session there are various types of bid calling used for various types of auctions…not all bid calling would be done quite that fast!

David will be the first to tell you“it is not important how fast you go, but rather if the bidders in your auction can understand your numbers.”
David is Celebrating his 44th year as a Licensed Auctioneer!