Southeastern School of Auctioneering Instructors

With over 150 combined years of experience, Southeastern School of Auctioneering, LLC Instructors are some of the best in the nation. Many of our instructors are award-winning bid-calling champions, national presenters in the auctioneering industry and all are at the top of their field. Our instructors are truly passionate about their profession, the auctioneering industry, and providing the skills necessary to become the best auctioneer you can be!

Larry J Meares

Larry Meares is the owner and founder of the Southeastern School of Auctioneering and the Owner of the Meares Company, Inc, which includes Meares Land and Auction and Meares Properties. He received his auctioneer’s license from the Nashville School of Auctioneering in Nashville, Tennessee in 1975 while also becoming a realtor at the same time.

Larry’s education is extensive in the auction and real estate business. Some of them are: Realtors Institute of South Carolina, Personal Property Appraiser, Certified Auctioneer's Institute, Bloomington, Indiana, Courses I and II of the CAI Real Estate Specialist Program at Indiana University, Courses I and II of GPPA Appraisal Course by AMIr.


Faye Meares


Faye has been in the banking business since 1972 and is now employed with First Citizens Bank and Trust. She attended the Southeastern School of Auctioneering in 1984 and the University of South Carolina School of Banking in 1986. She is an instructor with SSA teaching Ethics and the Auctioneer.


Darron Meares

Darron Meares is a licensed auctioneer in South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Indiana, and Florida. He also holds a South Carolina Real Estate Broker’s License. Darron manages and conducts firearm and real estate auctions as well as business and bankruptcy liquidations. He is a past Chairman of the Education Institute of the National Auctioneers Association (NAA) and previously served a three-year term on the NAA Board of Directors. In addition, he is a past president of the South Carolina Auctioneers Association and is the 2013-14 South Carolina Bid Calling Grand Champion.  He was inducted into the South Carolina Auctioneer Association Hall of Fame in 2018.

Meares is a sought-after public speaker and a professional member of the National Speakers Association. In addition, he is an instructor at the Southeastern School of Auctioneering and an instructor at the Certified Auctioneers Institute (CAI) at Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana. 


David J. Meares

David is currently the owner of David J Meares, LLC and was the past CEO/President of Meares Auctions, Inc., a 45-year-old Auction Company specializing in Real Estate, Personal Property, Business Liquidations, Bankruptcies, Firearms, and Equipment & Vehicles. Over 100 auctions per year are conducted using Live, Online, and Live/Online Simulcast Auctions.

Among his other achievements, David is a CAI Certified (Certified Auctioneers Institute) which is the highest designation achieved by an Auctioneer at the Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana.

David is an active member and supporter of both the South Carolina Auctioneer Association and the National Auctioneers Association. He has been a Bid-Calling Grand Champion for South Carolina and was inducted into the South Carolina Auctioneer Association Hall of Fame.



Daniel Lyles

Daniel is the exclusive art dealer for nationally-known artist Joe Everson: Joe Everson Art, LLC CEO & Artist Manager. He is also a full-time corporate marketer, with experience in SEO, SEM, display advertising, and social media marketing.

His company Dan Lyles Auctions, LLC conducts benefit auctions in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Florida, keeping him busy most weekends in the spring and fall fundraising seasons.

A few of his marketing experience includes Carolina Handling, Marketing Manager, material handling, supply chain, and logistics, Jackson Marketing Group, Account Supervisor, branding and marketing for a portfolio of 13 clients, Erwin Penland Advertising, Account Executive, branding and marketing for Verizon Wireless, DSB, LLC. Touring & Production, Tour Manager, managing bands on VANS Warped Tour.

Daniel received his auctioneer's license through the Southeastern School of Auctioneering in 2014 and was voted President of that class. He has served on the board of the SCAA and is a member of the NAA. He attended North Greenville University in 2003 where he received a Business Administration degree.


Bryan Hope

Bryan is the owner of Bryan Hope Auction Company and has had extensive work in Estate Auctions and Business Liquidations. He has provided bid calling and bid assistance services for Meares Auction Group, Johnny King Auctioneers, Farmer Auction Service, Carolina Auto Auction, Manheim Darlington Auto Auction, and has been a Buyer and Seller of Autos for Riley Auto Sales, Trackside Motors, and Nu-2-U Auto Sales.

Over the years, Bryan has worked back pens at various cattle sales, bought and sold cattle since 1985, bought and sold bucking bulls since 1982, has been a Rodeo Clown for 36 years, and a Rodeo Producer for 17 years.

Bryan attended Lander College and received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation. He also attended Furman University in Exercise Physiology (Graduate Work) and the Southeastern School of Auctioneering in November 2006.


Lanny Balentine

Lanny has worked in the auction and real estate business for 20 years. He served as the director of the Southeastern School of Auctioneering for most of those years. Lanny has worked with the Meares Auction Company in the area of computer clerking, clerking, proposals, contracts, and settlements.

Lanny graduated from the Southeastern School of Auctioneering and the Wyatt Institute of Real Estate and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology from Wofford College.


Jay Nichols


Jay has worked with the Meares Auction group part time for 14 years as either a SSA instructor or other areas such as clerking and cashiering for auctions. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Banking & Finance from Mississippi State University and graduated from the Southeastern School of Auctioneering in 1998.

Jay was with the Toronto Dominion Bank in Greenville, SC as the Vice President of Small Business Underwriter and the Palmetto Bank in Laurens, SC as Senior Vice President of Credit Administration, Compliance, and Loan Reviews


Lynne Balentine

Lynne is a retired English-Language Arts Teacher from the Anderson District One Schools. She taught there for 32 years. Lynne has done Extensive Auction Set-up, and research on fine jewelry, dolls, art, furniture, etc., and has been a Catalog Creator for Meares Land and Auction for 22 years. She loves antiques and travels to various antique shows whenever possible.

Lynne holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education from Clemson University and a Master of Arts Degree from Furman University.


Bob Howard


Bob is currently the Greenville Tech Foundation, President.  He was with the Bank of America for 31 years and the Executive Director for 9 seasons.  Bob served in the U.S. Army in Vietnam.  He is a licensed Auctioneer and has graduated from the Professional Ringman Institute.

Bob graduated from Davidson College and has attended Buckley School of Public Speaking as an Honorary Graduate among graduating other institutions. Bob also has a number of prestigious memberships over the past years and serves on the board of the Metropolitan Arts Council.


Brandon Meares

Brandon graduated from Anderson University and holds a Masters in Administration & Supervision.  He attended the University of South Carolina with a bachelor's in Elementary Education.  Brandon attended the Southeastern School of Auctioneering and has worked with the Meares Land & Auction Company as a Contract Auctioneer, Bid Caller, Bid Assistant, and a clerk for the auction company using the Proxibid platform. He is a Realtor and works with the Meares land and Auction Company.   

Brandon is currently serving as Principal at Midway Elementary School in Anderson County after teaching in the classroom for 4 years to 5th-grade students. 


Jared McGaffee


Instructor: Heavy and Industrial Equipment

From a young age Jared has been well versed in the heavy equipment, earth moving, and mining industries. With this extensive knowledge, he has been viewed as an asset to the auction industry. He earned his degree of SSA in 2018 where he graduated President of his class and now holds the instructorship of Heavy, Industrial, and Farm Equipment at Auction course at that same school. Jared has held the presidential role of the South Carolina Auctioneers Association, and now serves as the Secretary/Treasurer. He has been on the board of directors since 2019. His personal skills and knowledge of my business and industry sets him apart from many other young professionals as he has the ability to work with many types of individuals on various levels to execute successful strategies for their business. Viewing the equipment industry like a well-oiled machine. All the pieces need to work together for the job to be done. Taking each portion very seriously. From acquisition, planning, set up, marketing, sales, and closing. Each element must work together seamlessly. Sales management skills should be passed along to those managers, business owners, and young entrepreneurs for the growth of the industry to continue. Being a part of that advancement and success, continues to be a rewarding highlight in his young career and allows him to continue learning from all whom take interest.

Diana Greene

Instructor: Insurance for Auctioneers

Diana graduated from the Southeastern School of Auctioneering in 2020. She has a Masters in Education and Business Administration. At Present she works with the Meares Co Inc. handling online auctions, and marketing. Diana also works in the Insurance industry with an emphasis on insurance for the auctioneer. In 2023, Diana started Soteria Insurance Solutions LLC, where she is the sole owner.